Monday, October 8, 2012

Editorial: Steven Choi for Irvine mayor

Aside from a City Council election, Irvine voters Nov. 6 will elect a new mayor. Mayor Sukhee Kang is termed out of office and running for Congress, which means Irvine's top elected post is up for grabs.

Offering a recommendation for Irvine mayor is challenging because of the political dynamics involved and the candidate choices. In our opinion, the race comes down to two qualified candidates, Councilmen Steven Choi and Larry Agran. Of the two, we prefer Mr. Choi.

File: Irvine Councilman Steven Choi is shown in 2011.



Part of the reason for our recommendation is concern for what we consider the revolving door of council and mayoral candidates in Irvine. Candidates too often bounce back and forth between the two posts. That limits the flow of new, innovative ideas into city leadership.

Mr. Agran possesses a keen intellect and understands the political dynamics of the city perhaps better than anyone. That is partially because he has been running for office in Irvine for decades. He was first elected to Council in 1978. Even if he doesn't win the mayor's job, Mr. Agran will remain on the Council; he won a four year term in 2010. So his presence and perspective will remain, at least for two more years.

Conversely, Mr. Choi is termed out of his Council seat this year and says he is running for mayor because "citizens deserve a more honest elected official." We share his sentiments. Mr. Choi has been in the minority on the council for some time, including its most recent iteration, where Mr. Agran, Mr. Kang and Councilwoman Beth Krom typically vote in a bloc against Mr. Choi and Councilman Jeff Lalloway.

We would like to see a less-divisive, more open and transparent Irvine City Council, which may be achieved by breaking the majority power that has dominated the council for too long. On the issues, Mr. Choi has been a responsible councilman, too. He questioned a recent council majority decision to authorize 6 percent pay raises for city staff, who had been subject to a pay freeze, because, as he said, "We are not totally out of the woods."

"Our city employees were gracious enough to understand" the city needed to tighten its belt and freeze their pay, Mr. Choi said, adding he believes a 6 percent increase "to catch up is not the right message to send to the public."

Mr. Choi has also been a vocal critic of the management of the Great Park noting that its board, which includes Irvine council members, "is dysfunctional."

During his interview with our Editorial Board, he asked rhetorically "What business are we in? Building the park or entertainment events?" He is referring to current uses of the park space.

Irvine is a good city, a nice place to live and deserves a mayor that reflects that. The Register's Editorial Board endorses Steven Choi, who we hope will live up to the task.


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